Crow's Nest


by Lilian Hays Oliver

© 1969 Chedwato Service, Burlington, Vermont

Table of Contents

     Homes 1-10 (pp. 128-140)
    1. Jasper Newton Castlio and Mahala Keithly Audrain Castlio (Dr. Oscar L. and Viola Snyder, C190)
    2. The J. U. Muschany home (Walter E. and Mary Post, C187)
    3. “The Gordon Place” (Emily Estella Blize, C186)
    4. Fortunatus Boone Castlio and Phoebe Bigelow Castlio (George Wesley and Lottie J. Stevenson and Hattie Marie Shaw, C181)
    5. Francis Howell High School (Consolidated School District No. 2, C185)
    6. The Howell-Gamble home (Earl and Edna Sutton and Nicholas R. and Barbara Zeyen, C179)
    7. The Love home (S. Curtis Snyder, C178)
    8. The South Dardenne Presbyterian Church (C177)
    9. The Clay Callaway residence (Claude E. and Hester Muschany, C165)
  10. The residence of William Snyder and Susan Murdock Snyder (William H. Snyder, C196)

    Homes 11-20 (pp. 140-151)
   11. Howell Institute (Elsie M. Knippenberg, C172)
   12. Site of the first store in Mechanicsville, “The Pink House” (Martin, Marvin and Arch Howell, C171; structure burned in 1929)
   13. The Audrain home (Rev. H. Henning) (Leonard J. and Betty Kessler, C170)
   14. The home of John Harrison Castlio (Othaniel E. and Lucretia Bacon, C169)
   15. Second store in Mechanicsville (Leonard J. and Betty Kessler, C170A)
   16. Second Blacksmith Shop in Mechanicsville (Calvin and Mitchell Castlio) (Calvin, Dwight, and B. Irene Castlio, C176)
   17. The home of Dr. J. N. Castlio and Calvin Castlio (Calvin and Alice Castlio) (Calvin Castlio et al., C166)
   18. The home of Col. Francis Howell and Mary Meeks Ramsey Howell (Claude E. and Hester Muschany, C180)
   19. The Mechanicsville home of Lewis Howell and Serena Lamme Howell (Morris I. and Nell W. Muschany, C195)
   20. The Masonic Building and Store (Mechanicsville Lodge No. 260, F & A. M., C175)

    Homes 21-30 (pp. 151-160)
   21. Anglebrake home (William H. and Eula C. Zeyen, C162)
   22. Residence of John C. Castlio (Elroy Adam and Lily Schweitzer, C197)
   23. Mechanicsville lots 3 and 4 (Morris, Claude, and J. Karl Muschany, C174)
   24. Dr. J. L. Martin home (Dennis B. and May Dell [Johnson] Pitman, C173)
   25. Tannery and Slaughter House (James F. and Chiles F. Stewart, C161)
   26. The home of Dr. and Mrs. Perry (J. Karl and Vera Muschany, C192)
   27. The Portwood home (Charles B. and Susan Portwood, C153)
   28. The new Methodist Church on the Marthasville Road (Methodist Church of Howell, C191)
   29. The Chandler place (Joseph Chandler, C164; house burned ~ 1920)
   30. The Mechanicsville Grade School (Consolidated School District No. 2, C168)

    Homes 31-40 (pp. 160-166)
   31. The Old Union Church (Elsie M. Knippenberg, C167)
   32. The home of Dr. Mitchell Castlio (Mr. and Mrs. William Stewart heirs) (Alberta S. Dugan et al., C194)
   33. The home of Mr. John Dixon (C193)
   34. The home of John W. Callison (J. U. Muschany heirs) (Morris I. and Nell W. Muschany, C195)
   35. Jasper Leeman Castlio farm (Ivo R. and Verna Z. Castlio, B120; building burned 1924)
   36. The John Harrison Castlio farm (Ivo R. and Verna Z. Castlio, B120)
   37. The Isaac Newton Howell farm (Elvira, Archibald, Martin, and Marvin Howell) (Arch and Martin Howell, B121)
   38. Rev. Samuel McCluer Watson and Annie Ruffner Watson (Ruffner Watson) (Samuel M. Watson et al., C183)
   39. The Grover Silvey home (C-198; house was dismantled and moved)
   40. The Dunlap place (Eltin and Maude Pitman, C159)

    Homes 41-48 (pp. 166-174)
   41. The residence of Dr. and Mrs. L. E. Belding (Robert L. and Leora E. Fulkerson, C160)
   42. The H. H. Heusler property (Matthew Schiebendrein, C156)
   43. The John Stewart home (William and Edith Crowe, C155)
   44. The Victor Stoltz farm (Sarah Ann Bigelow and Alice Stevenson, C201)
   45. The Daniel Berry Hays farm (Lilian H. Hays, B115)
   46. The Othaniel C. Castlio homestead (Henry and Catherine Boerding, B113)
   47. The home of Captain James Callaway and Nancy Howell (Walter and Louise Schiermeyer, B61)
   48. John C. Castlio farm (A. Ray and Lola Castlio Oliver and B. Irene Castlio, B62)

    Homes 49-52 (pp. 174-187)
   49. Castlio Fort (This home was not among the properties optioned for the TNT plant. It was situated on the bluff in the area of present-day Avondale Hills Lane, just west of Highway DD and north of Highway D.)
   50. The farm home of Lewis Howell; site of the first school on Howell’s Prairie (B. Irene Castlio and Calvin Dwight Castlio, B85)
   51. Francis Howell Fort, Spanish Land Grant 887 (Mary Elizabeth Burgemeister, B123)
   52. Thomas Howell home (Adam Schneider, A8)