Crow's Nest Homes 1-10




© 1969, Chedwato Service, Burlington, Vermont

(pp. 127-187)

1.         Originally the home of Dr. Jasper Newton Castlio (17, 36) and his wife, Mahala Keithly Audrain Castlio

                        (A name followed by a number indicates that additional
                        information about that person will be found in the paragraph
                        indicated. On maps of Mechanicsville and Howell’s Prairie
                        I have indicated by numbers the locations of fifty-two
                        places. These numbers correspond to the numbers of the
                        paragraphs following in which I have given a brief history
                        of the particular place.)

            I do not know when nor by whom this two-story frame house was built, but it was the home of Dr. J. N. Castlio and his wife after their marriage in 1850. This was their home until their marriage of Great-aunt Mahala’s five Audrain children: Francis, Pierre Manarre, Mary Medora, Samuel Keithly, and Aulana Frances. Here were born the four Castlio sons: Bransby, Mitchell (32), Calvin (17), and Jasper Leeman (35).
            Dr. Newton Castlio, a graduate of the Medical School of the University of Missouri, was the first doctor on Howell’s Prairie, where he practiced for thirty-five years, being succeeded by Dr. John L. Martin (husband of Aulana Audrain) and by his son, Dr. Mitchell Castlio.
            Dr. J. N. Castlio and his wife lived on this farm until 1879 when they moved to Mechanicsville. On July 3, 1884, Dr. Castlio sold for $4,800.00 this farm of “170 acres more or less” to Mr. James M. Zumwalt who retained possession until April, 1904, when he sold to Mr. John Cunningham. In February, 1909, Mr. Cunningham sold the property to Mr. Wesley Chaney, who with his family lived here until October, 1918, when he sold the farm to Mr. M. Bine and moved to Sugar Creek, near Kansas City—and we lost one of the best neighbors we ever had. In August, 1930, Mr. Bine sold to Mr. Otto Lowhaus who tore down the old house and built a new one nearer the Marthasville Road, two or three years before Dr. Snyder of Defiance bought the farm in January, 1933.
            In 1900 Dr. J. N. Castlio wrote a letter to a cousin, Dr. John Duff Brown; this letter contains so much interesting information about the “old set” that I think a copy of the letter should be included in this account of Mechanicsville and Howell’s Prairie.

April 24, 1900
            Francis Howell and his wife, Susannah Stone, came from North Carolina where they were married. They had 10 children, half or more were born in N. C. The others were born in Mo.. Francis Howell was born in 1762 and died in 1834, 72 years old. His wife was born in 1763, died in May, 1826, age 63. The Stone family was noted for their wonderful activity, and some of our uncles, of the Howells, were also noted for their marvelous activity, inherited from the Stones. Francis Howell lived on Pedee River and ran a mill during the Revolutionary War. He was old enough to be in the army, but being a miller and grinding for the public, I suppose he was exempted from service. He moved to Missouri about 1795. In those times, in moving west, I think they packed their plunder mainly on horses, using very few wagons. They managed for two or three or more families to go together on account of danger from the Indians. Nancy Howell (Callaway Castlio) though quite small remembered things which took place in their travels and relates the following incident. She said they had to travel a dangerous part of the country (from Indians) and required two days to get through. Consequently had to spend one night in the dangerous section. She said they travelled some time in the night to keep the Indians from tracking them should they happen on their trail. They camped, made a fire, cooked and ate their supper. When they went to bed they took the women and children 20 or 30 yards to one side to sleep, telling them if the Indians fired on the camp to lie still and not stir. The men folks watched, standing guard, but fortunately they were not molested nor disturbed. The next day they got through the dangerous portion and finished their journey without incidents of danger, or more than common to families traveling through savage countries in those early days. Arriving at St. Louis, which was then but a small French village, the head man wanted Francis Howell to settle there and teach the French how to farm, offering him 40 acres on the hill in heart of the city where St. Louis now stands, and worth millions of dollars. He refused the offer and settled in St. Louis Co., Bonham Bottom, not far from the Mo. River where he lived four or five years, then moved across the river and into St. Charles Co. and settled on the place where he spent the remainder of his days. I will merely mention that John Stone, Susannah’s brother, helped move Francis Howell’s family out here, returned, and some years later moved out here with his own family, and settled about one and a half miles from where we lived, and several years afterwards moved to Troy, Lincoln Co., where he lived and died. He reared a large family of boys and girls, all of whom are dead.
            I have stated that there were ten children of the old set of Howells. They were John, Thomas, Newton, Sarah who married W. Stewart, Nancy (our mother), Francis, Susan who married Larkin Callaway, Benjamin, Lewis, and James.
            As you already know all about your grandpa Howell’s children, your mother’s brothers and sisters, I will say but little. There are but two children living, Benjamin and Malinda. Ben as we called him moved to Vernon Co., Mo., in 1854, and settled about one and a half miles from Nevada, the county seat. He is still living, or was last fall. He is smartly over 80 years old. His wife and more than half of his children are dead. He has but three children living, and he lives with the youngest.
            Malinda lives in Fort Scott, Kansas, about 20 miles from where Ben lives. She lives with her son and only child. He was in Drugs the last time I heard from them, which has been some time. She had two daughters. One died when eight or nine years old. The other lived to be grown and married Sam Muschany. She died in her first confinement, leaving a daughter, now grown and married.
            Thomas first lived in Warren Co. and was there during the war. He was wounded by the Home Guards, but got well after the close of the war. He and his family moved to St. Louis Co., just across the river from here. They both died not a great while after moving there,—I mean his wife and self of course. I don’t know how many children he had. I know of but one, and she is now living in Warrenton with her uncle, Hezekiah Moore.
            William raised by Francis Howell went to Cal. during the gold excitement, was taken sick with chronic Dysentery. He was unable to do anything, continuing sick concluded to return home. He started by sea, but in a few days died, and was buried in the Pacific. He had a delicate constitution and never should have gone. He had studied medicine, graduated regularly at the State University and ought never to have taken such a step. He had plenty without such risks.
            Thomas Howell (2nd son) married a Miss Callaway, a granddaughter of Daniel Boone. They had 14 children. All lived to be grown, and all married except 3, Eliza, Minerva, and Alonza. Minerva died about the time she was grown. Eliza lived to be over 80, died 7 or 8 years ago.
            All are dead but three—I now give their names beginning with the oldest. Larkin, Quenzy, Eliza, Pizarro, Alonza, James, Amazon, Elviza, Mary, Mandelia, Minerva, Jemima, John, and Lewis. Alonza is still living 85 years old, gets around and works some nearly every day. He is tolerably well off. Lewis is still living. He is in Visalia, Cal. Mary when I last heard from her was in Arizona pretty much broken up. The young set is scattered all over the western country, clear to the Pacific.
            Newton Howell who lived in Warren Co. near Warrenton had a large family of boys and girls, mostly boys. He had but two girls. As they lived off some distance from us, I do not know very much about them. He married the second time and lived to be quite old. I do not think there is a single one of his children living now. All dead—several died here, some in Cal.
            Aunt Sarah Howell married Wm. Stewart. They lived near Uncle Lewis and Frank Howell. They had 6 children, 3 boys and 3 girls. Namely—Suckey, John, Nancy, Francis, Elias Climson, and Melcena. They all had children except Nancy. She married but had none, and died early in life. All of Uncle Billy’s children are now dead. They have several children living around here yet. Climson moved to Texas about 20 years ago and settled in Wise Co. He had a son-in-law by name of Cunningham who killed a man at Fort Worth. He was sent to the penitentiary for 5 years. He did it in a passion and liquor too. He was a clever man when sober. I knew him well. A few of the Stewart family are in Cal., are scattered around but not so much as some of the other families.
            Nancy Howell Callaway Castlio (my mother) was married twice. First Capt. James Callaway, grandson of old Daniel Boone. He was killed by the Indians during the War of 1812. My mother had three children by Callaway, Thomas, Wm. Boone, and Theresa Emmaline—we called her Sis. They all married. Thomas married a Miss Keel, sister to your grandpa Howell’s 2nd wife. They had several children, but I think they are all dead, as well as the parents. Boone Callaway married Malinda Silvey. Both died some years ago. They had six children, three of whom are dead, three living, Howard, Clay, and Angelina are living. The dead are William, Morgan, and Adaline. Howard is living in Arizona, is married. Clay is in Mechanicsville with two children nearly grown. Angelina is a widow, lives in Washington, a town on the Mo. River about 25 miles from here and has 5 children—she married a Bigelow.
            Mother remained a widow three years, then married John Castlio, my father. Both are dead. Father was 73 years old when he died, mother 77. Their children are all dead but two, Beverly and I. Will name them beginning with the oldest. John, Fortunatis, or Doc as we called him, Jasper Newton, or Newt, as I’m still called, Othaniel or Maw, Beverly or Bev, and Zerelda. Zerelda has been dead about 30 years. She died leaving three children. One of them is dead, the other two have families and are doing well. John, our oldest brother, has been dead about 7 or 8 years. His wife died about 3 years after John. About half of his children are dead; three yet survive, one girl and two boys. One is a lawyer, the other a farmer. John’s wife was a Stone, daughter of John Stone of whom I’ve spoken. Fortunatis has been dead about 20 years. He married a Bigelow. He went to Cal. in 1849 during the gold excitement and succeeded very well. When he died he left his wife and children a good start. They had 9 children—4 girls and 5 boys. One of the girls and one boy is dead. Most of the boys are out West in Cal., Wash., and Montana.
            Now I come to myself. Like you, I studied medicine, and graduated at the same time with Wm. Howell in the Medical Department at the State University. I married the widow Audrain, daughter of Samuel Keithly. She had 5 children. We married in 1850 and lived together 46 years or until her death which took place over 4 years ago. She died the 12th of April in her 78th year. Time with me has rather dragged along since her death. I will be 78 years old the 15th of June. We had four children, all sons. Our oldest, Bransby, is somewhat demented at times. Mitchell is our second son. He went to the State University and graduated in medicine. He married Irene Castlio. Calvin the third son married Alice Stewart. Leeman the fourth son married Amanda Mathews.
            Three of my wife’s children by Audrain are dead. The other two boys are down in Texas. Their names are Pierre Manar and Samuel K. Audrain.
            Othaniel, or Maw, as we always called him, went to Cal. with Doc. He was right successful, came home, married Cordelia Keithly, my wife’s sister. They had 9 children—Norman, Coleman, Medora, Hortense, Serena, Wheeler, Aletha, Uncas, Iantha.
            Beverly, or Bev as he is commonly called, went to Cal. during the gold fever. He succeeded very well, came back and married a daughter of Lewis Howell’s who lived only 5 or 6 years after their marriage leaving a daughter and son, Willie Lee and Emmett, who were consumptive and lived only until about grown. Bev never married again but lived with my son Mitchell. He is 73 years old and has been quite fortunate in life.
            Next I speak of Uncle Frank and Aunt Polly as she was called. She was a Miss Meeks and lived to be 103 years old. Uncle Frank was 81 years old. It was a terrible shock and loss to them when they heard of the death of William. They thought a great deal of him and had he lived he would have inherited all of their property. About $10,000 of Uncle Frank’s property was used to errect a school building, and employ a teacher. We built it and have been using the school about 19 years. We call it Howell’s Institute. Free to all; the fund now amounts to about $13,000. It is, I believe, doing considerable good. The balance of his property he gave to different ones of his relatives, mostly to his brother Lewis’ children.
            Aunt Susie married Larkin Callaway, a brother of Capt. James Callaway, both grandsons of Daniel Boone. They lived upon Sharot Creek near the Mo. River. They had 5 children, 3 boys and 2 girls. The boys were James, Lewis, and John, the girls Malissa and Maturisa. James and Lewis both studied medicine. Lewis graduated at the medical college, St. Louis. James never attended lectures, nor graduated. He went to Vernon Co. and practiced there. They both died during or directly after the war. Aunt Susie and Uncle Larkin died tolerably early in life. The other children lived so far off that I don’t know what became of them, but feel certain they are dead. Their children may be living somewhere yet.
            Uncle Ben Howell was born in this neighborhood. He lived and died here. He married a Miss Castlio, my father’s sister. They had eight children namely ——, James, Francis, Newton, Susan, Thomas, Pizarro, Mahala, and Mary. The first four named are all dead. You may recollect Jim and Frank as they were called; they were a year or so older than I. Uncle Ben died two or three years before the war began. He was only 62 or 3 years old. Aunt Mahala lived 5 or 6 years longer than Uncle Ben. Their family scattered and moved off less than most of the Howell families.
            Lewis Howell was born in this country May, 1800, and died when he was 76 years old. He married a Miss Lamme, a great-grand-daughter of Daniel Boone. They had five children,—Eliza Anne who married brother Bev, Mary Frances who died before she was grown, James William, Sarah Roslin, and Achilia (Gamble). Aunt Serena, Lewis Howell’s wife, lived some years after his death. (Here follows a statement which I suppose is momentous.) Her son, James William, went through the war from start to finish; is now living in Saline Co., Mo. He married a Miss Murdock. Has gone through pretty much of all his property left him by his father, but his wife has plenty inherited from her father’s estate. Sarah Roslin never married; lives with her sister Achillia Gamble, who married Rufus Gamble about 25 years ago. He is a school teacher and preacher, a very good man. Has taught school all his life, but has given up teaching on account of his health. They have no children. James William has one, a son, grown and married.
            Now comes James F. Howell, the youngest of the Howell children, although the youngest, he died younger than any of the old Howell set. He married a Miss Morris, sister of John Morris who married Betsy Howell, a sister of your mother. They had 5 children. One died when quite small; the other four are John Lewis, Francis, Verlena, and James, lived to be grown. Frank, the second child, went to Cal. during the gold fever. John Lewis married Miss Thomas, they went to Vernon Co. where both died a few years afterwards leaving some children. Verlena married Scott Chambers. They also moved to Vernon C., Mo. They had one daughter. Verlena died a while after the war. James the youngest joined the army and was killed in Arkansas at the battle of Pea Ridge. Aunt Iby Howell died shortly after the war. She moved to Vernon Co. with her children. So Uncle Jimmy, his wife, and all of his children are dead except Frank, the 2nd son who is in Arizona.
Newton Castlio

2.         The J. U. Muschany home
            In April, 1886, Willie Abner Castlio (4) sold to Mr. J. U. Muschany (19) part of lot 3 of the Fortunatus B. Castlio estate in the original James Beatty survey 991. Until about 1914 this was the home of Mr. Muschany, his wife Margaret Morris Muschany, and their four children: Ethel, Morris, Claude, and Karl, all of whom were born here. (9, 18, 19, 20, 23, 26).
            July 21, 1919, Mr. J. U. Muschany sold this farm to Mr. Charles M. Moore (42) who on January 22, 1922, sold to Mr. Walter Post, the owner in 1940.

3.         “The Gordon Place
            November 23, 1885, Willie Abner Castlio (4) sold to M. T. Orrick two acres of lot 3 of the Fortunatus B. Castlio estate in the Spanish Grant 991 of James Beatty. Here the Orricks built a three room house where they lived until March, 1892, when they sold the place to Mr. Robert Sterling Zumwalt, who with his family lived here until August, 1903, when he sold to Mr. William Huning. The latter sold to Mr. William M. Castlio (21, 22, 48) in November, 1904 and Mr. Castlio to Mr. Azariah Gordon of Marysville, Missouri, March 3, 1905. Mr. Gordon and his wife added another room to the house.
            On June 25, 1910, after the death of my father in March, my mother bought this little two-acre place which was our home until May 15, 1922. Mother named our new home “The Shades,” but to us it was always “The Gordon Place.”
            It was our evenings together here that stand out especially in my memory. In the winter time Mother would have our evening meal ready when I came home from school about 3:30. As soon as we had eaten supper and had washed the dishes, I would do my homework. Then the rest of the evening was free. Often we would read. Sometimes Mother would play the piano and sing for an hour or so. And sometimes we would put out the light in order to enjoy better the flames or the glow of the fire in the baseburner. Then I would curl up in my father’s morris chair. Mother would pull her rocker up to the baseburner and put her feet on the footrest—and soon she would be telling me one of the many, many stories tucked away in her memory. That story would call for another, and another, and another until she would say, “Daughter, look at the clock! You have to go to school tomorrow.” We spent the long summer evenings on the front porch where her stories were accompanied by the weird notes of the whippoorwill, the chirp of the crickets, the strident song of cicadas—the symphonic harmony of all the summer night’s insects.
            In 1922, when we moved to Columbia and I entered the University of Missouri, we sold this place to Mrs. Stella Blize who with her two children, Roy and Wuanita lived there until 1940, when she moved to St. Charles.
            I have been told that for a while after this became Government property, the house was used by painters for an office. Later it was destroyed, as were the other houses of the village. In the summer of 1956, when we were last in the restricted area the only way I could tell definitely where our home had once been was by the lane—surprisingly still there—leading down to the former home of the Reverend Mr. Samuel M. Watson. This lane had been directly in front of our front gate. The embankment on which our house had stood had been graded down to the road level and every tree and every landmark was gone.

4.         The home of Fortunatus Boone Castlio and Phoebe Bigelow Castlio (36)
            I think, though I am not positive, that Great-uncle “Doc” Castlio built this eight-room house which was his home during his entire married life. (Married in 1853; died December 12, 1879.) Here were born his ten children: Oscar, Ella May, Martin Luther, Edwin, Beulah Irene, Willie Abner, Allene Eugenia, John W., Launa, and Thomas Russel.
            Part of the F. B. Castlio homestead and dower was sold by Russel Castlio to Mr. William Huning, who on November 1, 1904, sold the same tract of land to Mr. William Stevenson and his wife, Matilda Bierbaum, whose children, Wesley and Marie, owned the land in 1940.
            On June 20, 1866, Fortunatus B. Castlio laid out the original town of Mechanicsville, consisting of ten numbered and two unnumbered lots north of the Marthasville Road and nine lots south of it.
            On October 16, 1866, Mr. F. B. Castlio, proprietor of the town of Mechanicsville, laid out the Castlio Addition consisting of lots twenty to forty-four, east and south of the original town.
            All of Mechanicsville was in Survey Number 991 (640 acres) granted originally to James Beatty. April 16, 1835, this land was sold for taxes and purchased by James Silvey. September 21, 1837, James Silvey sold to William T. Sanford, who on January 16, 1852, sold to Fortunatus B. Castlio for $904.73. To these 640 acres Mr. Castlio added 59 acres of southwest fractional quarter of Section 36, Township 46 North Range 2 East and 55 acres of the south half of northeast fractional quarter of Section 35, Township 46 North Range 2 East.
            Among the papers pertaining to the settlement of the Fortunatus B. Castlio estate is a bill of merchandise rendered to Mrs. F. B. Castlio from R. and J. Atkinson of St. Charles (December 29, 1879 to May 18, 1880) which is of interest because of the opportunity it gives one to compare prices then and now. The following is a copy of the bill.

14 calico 1.20, 6 SK yarn 60, 2 lace 50/100, 14 shoe buttons

10 gingham 1.00, 4 coat binding 40, 4 pcs yarn 40
silk floss 25, spool 5, 1 doz. hair pins 20
1 doz pearl buttons 25, 7½ red oil cloth 75
I pr artics 1.75, 1 pr shoes by Miss Irene 3.25
2 1/3 Bobinett 30/70, 26 sk yarn 10, 2 sp. silk floss 25
2-6 oz zephyr 10
Putting buttons on old pair shoes
2 Hdkfs 25, 1 dipper 10, 1 pr ties 2.25, 1 pr shoes 2.75
4 pins 2/85 1.70, 2/40 .80, 2 pr hose 1/70 1/45
1 pr miss hose 45, 3 white flannel 45/135
4 Hdkfs 2/25 2/30 1.10, cologne 40, 2 Ruching 70
collarettes 30, 1 yd Ruching 20, 2 pr kid gloves 1.25/2.50
2½ cashmere 12 .32, 25 yd Brocade 20 5.00
2½ striped alpaca 20/75, 10 yd Rep 2.50
2 oz zephyr 20, 2 pr hose 45/90 by mail
3 oz zephyr 30, 2 Bn cashmere 75 1.50
2 yd rep 55, 1 box paper 40, 6 pr lace Mitts 1.50

          1 Germtown yarn 12
Cologne 20, 1 pr mens shoes 2.15
2 pr sandals 2.50
2 yd net 80, Linen floss 50, 1 bolt trimming 45
1 pr miss slippers 1.20, 1 pr Ties 1.00

5.         Francis Howell High School
            In 1915, due to the influence of Mr. Robert F. Wilson, the instructor at Howell Institute, and a handful of parents who realized the necessity of an accredited high school in the community, Consolidated District No. 2 was organized and Francis Howell High School was built on a five acre tract of land bought from Wesley and Marie Stevenson on September 25, 1915, the new school absorbing Howell Institute and the endowment funds of Colonel Francis Howell and his nephew, Hiram Beverly Castlio.
In February, 1916, the new building was dedicated. Then Mr. Wilson, Mr. Milstead, and the students moved from the old Howell Institute into the new Francis Howell High School, a two-story brick building with four class rooms and a basement under the entire building. The curriculum comprised the regular four-year high school course necessary for college entrance.
            If I remember correctly, there were eight great-great-nieces and nephews of Colonel Francis Howell in the student body at that time, six of whom were also great-nieces and nephews of Hiram Beverly Castlio.
            Francis Howell High School was one of the few buildings in Howell not destroyed in 1940 as it was used by the Ordnance Plant.
            Consolidated District No. 2 was comprised of Howell, Junction, Hamburg, Enterprise, and Weldon Spring Districts. When Consolidated District No. 2 was reorganized because the district with its high school and five grade schools was taken over by the Government, six more districts were added to the original five. These were Cottleville, Union, Belle Aire, Fairmount, Independence, and Friedens. In 1942, at a cost of $125,000.00 another Francis Howell High School was erected, not “at or near Mechanicsville” as Francis Howell’s will stipulated, but about ten miles from what had been Mechanicsville, on Highway 94.

6.         The Howell-Gamble home
            In August, 1897, John W. Castlio (4) sold to Achillia Howell Gamble and her sister, Sarah Roselyn Howell, (19, 50), a part of the F. B. Castlio estate (the dower tract of Phoebe B. Castlio) of the James Beatty Survey 991.
Miss Julia Watson of Washington, D.C., wrote to me April 19, 1956: “Mr. Gamble did build his house—on a two-acre lot, which he stocked with an assortment of fruit trees. They lived to see some fruit, though they said they would not. The house was built in 1896-1897. We remember that they lived in Hamburg in 1895 and in their new home during the winter of 1897-98.”
            Mr. Rufus Easton Gamble, son of Archibald Gamble, postmaster of St. Louis during the administration of President Fillmore, was born in St. Louis in 1840. He attended the St. Louis grade school and high school and later the University of Virginia. In October, 1877, he married Achillia Howell, a daughter of Lewis Howell. He taught at Howell Institute from 1887-1892 and from 1896-1899.
            Mr. and Mrs. Gamble and Miss Sarah Howell lived in this home on the edge of Mechanicsville until their deaths, Cousin Sally being the last to go, in 1911.
            This house, the property of Samuel M. Watson, Jr., by inheritance from the Howell-Gamble estate, was destroyed by fire in 1920 when Mr. Curtis Snyder (10) and his wife, Olive Chesley Snyder, were occupants.
            In 1926, Earl Sutton and his wife, Edna Zeyen Sutton, built a five-room house on the site. In 1940 when the Government acquired the property, the house was used for a while as a hospital. Later it was destroyed. The Suttons moved to St. Charles.

7.         The Love home
            On December 2, 1904, Mr. William Stevenson sold to Mr. Thomas Love, one of the blacksmiths of Mechanicsville, an acre of land from what had previously been the F. B. Castlio tract. Here Mr. Love built a small house which was his home until March 3, 1908, when he sold this property to Mr. Curtis Snyder (10) and his wife, Louise Watson Snyder. July 31, 1911, Mr. Snyder sold this home to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Heusler, who on September 5, 1924, resold to Mr. Curtis Snyder, who retained ownership until 1940, when he and his wife moved to St. Louis County.

8.         The South Dardenne Presbyterian Church
            From the “History of the South Dardenne Presbyterian Church” by Miss Jeannette Watson and made available to me by Mrs. Edith Snyder Dumm, I have obtained most of the following information.
            The South Dardenne Presbyterian Church was organized in 1873, with two elders of the Old Dardenne Presbyterian Church being charter elders of the new organization, Mr. Lewis Howell and Mr. John H. Castlio.
In 1884 the Rev. Samuel M. Watson was called to the South Dardenne Presbyterian Church and entered upon his duties in 1885. Shortly after that the Presbyterians sold their share in the Union Church of Mechanicsville to the Methodists and undertook to raise a fund to erect a building on the lot given to them by Mr. Hiram Beverly Castlio, November 11, 1887. The new building was completed in 1888.  
The Rev. Samuel Watson died April 9, 1925, after having been minister of the South Dardenne Presbyterian Church for forty years. He was followed by Mr. Crowe, Mr. W. C. Colby, Mr. F. L. Reeves, and Mr. G. A. Williams.

9.         The Clay Callaway residence
The original house on this site was one of the first in Mechanicsville; when Mother was six or seven years old (1866-7) and was sent on horseback for the doctor, she remembered this little house as one of the four or five on the lonely road through the woods between her home and that of Dr. Newton Castlio. It was first a saloon operated by Mr. Theodore Diehr. Then Mr. Julius Berg, a general merchant who came from Germany to St. Charles County in 1870, bought the saloon and built a store beside it; prior to the building of the store, Mr. Berg peddled his wares in a wagon. (Mr. Calvin Castlio gave me the above information about Mr. Diehr and Mr. Berg.)
            February 13, 1871, Mr. F. B. Castlio sold lots 34, 35, 36, and 37 to Mr. Andrew Journey. September 9, 1874, Mr. Journey sold these lots to Mr. Berg, and in 1885 Allene Castlio (4) sold lot 38 to Mr. Berg. In April, 1886, Mr. Berg sold the five lots to Dr. M. L. Currier, who sold them to Harriet P. Callaway in June, 1889. In 1898, Thomas Russel Castlio (4) sold lot 39 to Harriet P. Callaway.
            Mr. Clay Callaway remodeled the house, making of it a six-room dwelling where he and his wife lived the rest of their lives. In August, 1919, Miss Mertie Callaway, the only surviving child of Clay and Harriet Stewart Callaway, sold this place to Isaac Stewart and his wife, Mabel Pugh Stewart.
            This was the home of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Stewart and their sons—Ethelbert, Clarence, Vern, Oliver, and Jimmy—until they moved to St. Louis County. In June, 1932, Mr. Stewart sold the place to Mr. and Mrs. Claude Muschany. (2) Here they lived with their two sons, Norman and James Claude, until 1940, when they moved to O’Fallon, Missouri.

10.       The residence of Mr. William Snyder and his wife, Susan Murdock Snyder
            In 1886, on lot 44 bought from Hiram B. Castlio, Mr. Snyder built a two-story, six-room house with lumber shipped from Washington, Missouri, and bricks hauled from St. Charles. Mrs. Willie Harris told me that once as her father was leaving St. Charles with a load of bricks, it began to rain. As the bricks absorbed the water, they became heavier and heavier. The road became muddier and muddier. The team became wearier and wearier. Twice Mr. Snyder had to stop for help; the first time he was charged an exorbitant price for having his load pulled out of the mire. The second time a farmer living near Weldon Spring unhitched Mr. Snyder’s exhausted team and hitched his own horses to the load for the rest of the trip.
            For many years this was the home of Mr. and Mrs. Snyder and their six children: Edith, Elsie, Curtis, Junia, Mayburn, and Willie. After the death of his wife in 1929, Mr. Snyder made his home in St. Charles with his daughter, Mrs. Edward K. Harris, though he kept the old home in Howell until 1940.
            In the early days of Mechanicsville, a tobacco factory was built in what was later the Snyder garden, on the west side of the house. This factory was owned and operated by Fortunatus B. Castlio who made plug tobacco, for tobacco was one of the principal crops of the early farmers.