
Owners: Oscar L. and Viola Snyder
1940 Census: O. L. Snyder, age 56, farmer
                         Viola Snyder, age 53
                         Adline Jenner (aunt), age 82

An article in The St. Charles Cosmos-Monitor on August 9, 1941, stated the following: "O. L. Snyder is a retired physician.  He bought 170 acres several years ago with the intention of taking life a bit easy.  Along with his good wife he lived in a modern house, and had built up a nice herd of Angus cattle and fed some hogs.  He had planned to live there the remainder of his time here on earth, but he is a patriotic citizen and was one of the first to evacuate last December.
"Dr. Snyder is something of a philosopher, and spoke of the intangibles that money can't pay for - disrupted communities, the separation of friends and families, church congregations broken up, and people having to move out into new communities among strangers.  Most of these good people such as Dr. Snyder spoke of others much less fortunate than they, and the doctor said, 'In a very short time this will cause people to lose faith in their government.  If these options aren't good,' he said, 'then I wonder if the dollar I've got in my pocket will be good much longer either?'"

Acreage: 170.00
Contract price: $30,995
Property condemned on March 31, 1941
Condemnation price: $7,604
For the history of this home, click here.