A-21, C-168, C-185, and D-278

A gathering at the Hamburg schoolhouse
Owner: Consolidated School District No. 2
Location: A-21 at end of Miller School Road    
               C-168 on National Guard property
               C-185 on National Guard property
               D-278 (697229 4283339) Lower Hamburg Road Hike
Acreage: A-21   2.41    
              C-168  1.06
              C-185  5.07
              D-278  1.46
Contract price: $75,000
Property condemned on May 5, 1941
For the history of the Howell schoolhouse and the high school, click here.

Hamburg schoolhouse  (D-278)
Miller schoolhouse  (A-21)


Howell schoolhouse (C-168)
Francis Howell High School  (C-185)

High school ruins

High school ruins