Fridley page 90

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Contract Let For The New Cottleville TNT Area Group Of Houses
Among Those Backing The Project Are Sam Hamburg, Charles Shaw, Preston Van. Cheek And Oscar Strickland.

            A syndicate headed by Sam Hamburg connected with Shaw and Francis, Clayton, Missouri, has let the contract for the building of 200 to 1000 houses in Cottleville, Missouri. John T. Craven and Norman B. Howard, architects and engineers, have been awarded the supervision of the above project. The actual construction will be in the hands of Julius Schmitt Contracting Company, successors to Fred Schmitt and Co.
            The houses will contain one and two bedrooms, with all up-to-the-minute modern conveniences, and will be sold to the public at very easy monthly payments. An office on the ground is now being erected, and will take all future inquiries.
            Connected with Mr. Hamburg are Charles A. Shaw, former mayor of Clayton, Preston Van. Cheek, consulting actuary, and Oscar L. Strickland.
            Wm. Anderson, director of the Missouri State Planning Board and the State Board of Health are cooperating in making this a strictly modern community in every way.
            Mr. Anderson has asked for a federal government representative to be sent from Washington, D. C., to be on hand to assist. Judge Henry S. Hoffman, chairman of the committee of landowners in the Cottleville neighborhood, and his group consisting of Phil Vierling, Henry Pfeiffer, John and Isabel Hillenkamp, Mrs. John Arras, Ab Arras, Albert Oberlag, Elmer Sammelmann, Sandfort Brothers and George Werner, are cooperating in all civic phases.

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            Wm. Brand of the Wentzville neighborhood, was a caller in St. Charles today. Mr. Brand has recently moved to Wentzville, having sold his home in the TNT area to the government.
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            Mrs. Charles Kansteiner of St. Louis was a business caller in St. Charles today. She accompanied her son-in-law, William Lorenz, who made an inspection trip to the sewer project in progress here. Mrs. Kansteiner tells us that thirty or more families, members of which are employed at the TNT plant site, are making their homes in Manhasset Village, where she resides. A company bus is used for the transportation to and from the TNT plant area.

[no source, no date]

Sidelights On Things That Are Happening At The Powder Plant In Indiana.

            At Charleston, Ind., a small town, in the Jeffersonville and New Albany area, the U. S. government is constructing a large smokeless powder plant which compares somewhat to the TNT plant being constructed at Weldon Spring. The Charleston plant, however, is further along than that known as the Weldon Spring plant 12 miles from St. Charles. They are in the midst of construction problems. Hundreds of carpenters, brickmasons and other craftsmen are at work putting up buildings. The local paper known as the Charleston Courier says jokingly, “They certainly have been moving at the Powder Plant. One observer says he leaned over to tie his shoestring, when he raised up there was another new building!”
            It appears that symptoms of a boom town are much in evidence at Charleston. The paper says, “Mrs. Eva Boyer rented the front part of her home and planned to make her residence in a rear apartment. So insistent was the demand for rooms that she let this out, too, fixed up her wash house attractively and moved in. She confesses she likes the new arrangement better than she expected. The only trouble is that she is constantly importuned to let the wash house home go, too.”
            Another tale was that Hal Hughes, former sheriff, knew about the Powder Plant going up but hadn’t realized its potentialities in the realty market yet. When he was offered $18 a month rent for his tenant house, formerly worth $4, he rubbed his eyes, wondering how long this thing had been going on and signed up quick. He was still feeling good about it until his farm operator was ousted from his quarters on an adjoining farm. Then he found he had to pay $20 a month to Ollie Miller for a house.”
            While many families of workers are located in Charleston hundreds of workers ride back and forth via railroad each day between the powder plant and New Albany. A special train makes the trip. The cars are crowded. Highway No. 62 leading past the plant is the most densely patronized in southern Indiana.
            Recently the town of Charleston put on a Red Cross drive and contributed $117.05 but the powder plant alone contributed $1,200.
            The first serious accident at the plant occurred last week. As related by the Courier, James Eubanks, 25, employed at the Powder Plant, was severely injured about the head and left arm, when he drilled in a buried powder charge.
            Although the plant has its own hospital, the victim was removed to the Louisville infirmary by orders of J. S. Queener, in charge of the work, because of the early hour.
            Another employee suffered minor injuries in the accident, it was reported.