Fridley page 80

[St. Louis Star-Times, April 7, 1941]

70 More Suits For TNT Land Ordered

            United States District Attorney Harry C. Blanton announced today that he has received instructions from the War Department to file seventy more condemnation suits against land in the Weldon Springs TNT plant area. Five similar suits already have been filed.
            Under the action Blanton will file a declaration of taking the land, will deposit government checks with federal court covering the price the government feels is fair, and will institute condemnation proceedings to afford present owners an opportunity to contest the government’s value. Actual possession of the land, however, will go to the government with the filing of the declaration of taking.
            In the five suits already instituted, the government deposited $27,559 with the court, compared with $109,768 which the government had agreed to pay for the five parcels of land under the now-canceled government options.

[St. Louis Daily Globe-Democrat, April 8, 1941]

U. S. Pays $186,999 for TNT Plant Site

            The government yesterday paid into the registry of the Federal Court here $186,999 and filed declarations of taking against approximately 3350 acres of land for the site of the TNT plant near Weldon Springs, Mo. The average price per acre was about $55.
            Separate suits are being filed against each of the 75 tracts included in the declarations of taking and title to the land will not pass the government until the separate actions are brought by the United States District Attorney Harry C. Blanton.
            Five of the separate declarations were filed yesterday and others will be filed on an average of about a dozen a day, Blanton said.
            The owners, the acreage and the amount paid into court in the petitions yesterday are:
            Emily Estelle Blize, two acres, $780; Fred G. and Hilda Mound, 68 acres, $2480; Carrie Hamm, as trustee for Eleanor Marie Hamm, a minor, 20 acres, $300; Charles B. and Susie M. Portwood, 49.45 acres, $1900; Anne C. and Girttrell Friedley, lot in Hamburg, $300.
            The declarations of taking were signed by Secretary of War Stimson and set out the land was necessary for national defense, and the amount paid into court was considered the reasonable value of the property. Owners may contest the offer of the government by filing objections, but title passes with the filing of a declaration of taking.

[St. Louis Post-Dispatch, April 9, 1941]

Disguised Nazi Short Wave Station Pumping U. S. ‘Hams’ on Defense

            Amateur radio operators in St. Louis and throughout the nation have been cautioned against discussing Aunt Tillie’s new hat or the Weldon Spring TNT plant with a German station operating under disguised signals. Federal officials believe the foreign station has tricked American amateurs into disclosing several minor details about the progress of the defense program.
            The German station is on the air several nights a week, its signals crosscrossing the sector of the short wave band set aside for amateurs. “CQ, CQ, CQ,” it calls in the international language of the Morse code. CQ is the signal to amateur operators that another radio “ham” is inviting anyone to start a conversation with him.
            American amateurs have been forbidden to answer CQ calls from Europe since the outbreak of war, but the German station, identified as D4CVK of Bremen, has lured many responses by turning the “dash-dot-dot” of the D in its call letters into “dash-dot-dash.” The slight extra pressure on which the transmitting key turns the call letters in K4CVK, which would be a Puerto Rican station.
            In the tradition of amateur radio, after establishing contact with another operator, the German gives a name, describes his equipment and inquires how his signals are being received. That disposed of, amateurs ordinarily drift into discussion of whatever pops into their minds, ranging from baby’s bright saying to personal economics and the weather.
            The German operator, apparently the only amateur still functioning n the Reich, seems to have a way of shifting the dot-dash conversation to defense projects near the American amateur’s home.

[St. Louis Daily Globe-Democrat, April 10, 1941]

U. S. to ‘Take’ 45 TNT Site Tracts

            The government yesterday filed “declarations of taking” against 45 more tracts of land which will be included in the site of the TNT plant at Weldon Springs, Mo., in St. Charles County.
            The money for the property was paid into the registry of the court Monday when the first five of the present series of suits were filed. Title passes to the government immediately, but owner may file objections to the price paid into court by the government.
            The owners of the land, the amount and the price offered by the government in the actions yesterday were:
            Vincent J. and Mable S. Lonergan, 5.22 acres. $1040: Q. W. S. S. Realty and Investment Company, 365.51 acres, $15,280; Sam P. Hall, 9 acres, $720; Cecil O. Stewart, .52 acres, $2400; John T. and Susie B. Beatty, .98 acres, $100; Marvin Howell, 142.13 acres, $7220; Chiles F. and Mary Stewart, 220.48 acres, $10,140; Grace W. Watson, 2 acres, $1560; James K. and Vera Muschany, 33.33 acres, $950; Daniel P. and Gertrude McDonald, 40 acres, $860; Mary E. Atterberry, 40 acres, $600; Clyde R. and Lucille Tiedemann, .36 acres, $40; Theodore Lammert and others, 50.19 acres, $1280; Eltin and Maude Pitman, 12 acres, $3620; Richard D. and Hillary B. Shewmaker, no acreage stated, $1700; John Henry and Ella Dieckmann, 122.97 acres, $8092.
            John M. and Martha W. Bowlin, 19.40 acres, $800; Anna Gerdiman and others, 61.44 acres, $2240; Samuel M. Watson and others, 56.04 acres, $2560; Lydia Bechtold and others, 4.56 acres, $120; William and Regina Kohler, 8 acres, $288; Sarah A. Bigelow, 10.36 acres, $800; Eliza Teeters and others, no acreage stated, $320: Harold L. White and others, 40 acres, $2680; Hodgen Bates and others, 28.23 acres, $1300; Iva Awbrey Fox and others, 69 acres, $2880: Henry Keiser and others, 105.40 acres, $5640; Earl R. Sutton and others, 63.40 acres, $1480.
            John F. Johnson and others, 56 acres, $1,680; Elsie Knippenberg, 2 lots in Howell, $560; Earl R. Sutton and others, 2 lots in Howell, $3140; Sam and Anna Cunningham, 33.33 acres, $920; George W. Stevenson and others, 8 acres, $4980; Rose and Gilbert McKenney, 55.65 acres, $1400; George H. Dugan and others, no acreage stated, $3380; T. M. Livergood, 40 acres, $615: Leah and J. G. Jones Jr., 19.75 acres, $800; C. R. and Ottie Karrenbrock, 80.8 acres, $3360.