Fridley page 71

[no source, handwritten: April 1, 1941]

Work at TNT Plant

            Work is being pushed on construction of the huge TNT plant at Weldon Springs. The Francis Howell High School which is now used as headquarters for the project.

            From the quarry, the rock is taken to the crushing plant. Crushed, the rock is poured on the roadways and smoothed out.

[no source, June 14, 1941]

Fort Wood Fence to Cost $71,200

By Associated Press.
            WASHINGTON, June 13.—Construction of a 10-foot nonclimbable fence, floodlighted for additional discouragement to prowlers around ammunition and other “critical” storage areas at 95 army posts is planned by the War Department at a cost of $2,882,400.
            Among the tentative allocations in the program were: Camp Joseph T. Robinson, Arkansas, $96,950; Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri, $71,200; Kansas City Quartermaster Depot, Mo., $9550.
            The fencing will be of chain-link construction to a height of 7 feet, with three strands of barbed wire at the top to bring the height to 10 feet. Floodlights will be erected in the ratio of 49 lights in every mile of fence.