Fridley page 20

[St. Charles Cosmos-Monitor, Friday, November 15, 1940]

Real Estate and Building Men Will Deluge This County; Several Will Open Offices

            The biggest building boom this county has ever seen is in the near future, attendants at the housing meeting, held Thursday night at Hotel St. Charles predicted.
            D. Oty Groce presided over the meeting, attended by several local contractors, business men, building material men and promoters, several of them from St. Louis. After a lengthy discussion the meeting was adjourned until Monday night when more ideas on the housing problem will be presented.
            Suggestions were made that the building of more than 100 new homes be started in St. Charles or near the immediate city limits, Warren Franklin, St. Louis promoter, announced he had an option on a large tract of land on Highway 61, between the Daniel Boone Bridge and Wentzville for a townsite.
            Franklin added he was considering property between St. Charles and Weldon Spring for the townsite but could not make a move until he knew the positive location of the road that will be built between here and the TNT area.
            Preston Van Cheek, who announced early plans for a 72 family apartment, to cost in the neighborhood of $40,000 on the old Dr. Shore property at Benton avenue and Lewis, asked the group to consider zoning laws to protect property owners. It was indicated that two members of each service club will discuss zoning for presentation to the city council.
            After local contractors announced they were ready to go but could not start because of lack of financial backing, Van Cheek said St. Charles would have no trouble raising the money more than a score of realty companies, investors, promoters and others interested in developments had focused their eye on this county. Van Cheek added several planned to open offices here.
            This newspaper realizes St. Charles needs several hundred houses to take care of the increased population but something must also be done to attract employees of the TNT plant.
            Workers will not travel the 14 mile distance to St. Charles to make their home when developments are nearer their work. A townsite about halfway between here and Weldon Spring would not be too far away from the work and would still be enough to this city for business purposes.
            On the other hand improvements would quickly follow between here and a townsite several miles west on the Harvester road, also known as Highway 94.
            Speed in the developments is essential and work of some kind on residences or townsites will get under way before the end of this month.

[no source, not date]

Workers at TNT Plant Are Expected to Build Homes Where Schools Are Located
Employees Not Expected To Drive Back and Forth From St. Charles To Plant Daily

            Establishment of a community, consisting of workers from the TNT plant and residents who are now moving out of the area, is expected to be in the vicinity between Harvester and Weldon Springs, the Cosmos-Monitor was informed.
            Many of the residents of the plant area who have rented homes have their eye on the proposed community site where they will build homes in the future.
            Development of the Community depends a lot on the location of the Howell High School. Plans are under way to enlarge the consolidated district and if that is done the school will be somewhere on Highway 94, about four or five miles this side of the TNT plant.
            People who will work at the plant are seeking homes about five miles away and will locate where there are adequate education facilities. One high official said if schools are built on 94, about five miles away many of the plant people will want to build homes there.
            Naturally there will be a Boom Town, tent and trailer cities, but the community on 94 would be something that would survive every think else and be a credit to this county.
            Workers at the plant will not drive the distance from St. Charles to the plant and back everyday, one authority said, but would go for a decent development within radius of the plant.