
Owners: Clarence A. and Junia H. Mische
1940 Census: C. E. Mische, age 31, proprietor -                          confectionary and (?)
                         Junia Mische, age 24
Location: 697360  4282701
Acreage: 0.44
Contract price: $5,500
Property sold on January 28, 1941

Hamburg residents called the Misches' saloon "The Confectionary."  It was owned by Henry Mades until his death in 1936.  Henry's daughter Junia married Clarence Mische and took over the saloon.  Henry had moved the saloon up from lower Hamburg.  It was a "hypothecary" during Prohibition, selling locally distilled spirits out of the back room.  The photo directly below was taken from the door of the gas station across the street.  For a photograph of Hamburg which includes the saloon, click here.  For another view in the opposite direction, click here.

The Misches' house