B-67, B-98, and D-322

Owners: Chiles F. and Mary Virginia Stewart
1940 Census: Venable Mound, age 29, farmer
                         Anna Mound, age 32
                         Kenneth, age 5
Location:  There were no structures on B-67
                696070  4288305  (B-98) 
                The house on D-322 was located at the southernmost corner of the Weldon Spring Site parking  
                area.  Directly across Highway 94 at that point is this farm's pond.
Acreage: 78.27  (B-67)
               42.01  (B-98)
             100.20  (D-322)
Contract price: $31,651.25
Property condemned on April 9, 1941
Condemnation price: $10,140
Today: road lilies, vinca, daffodils at B-98

Richard Lewis Mound and his wife Alma are in the center.  Their children,
from left to right, are Venable Mound, Woodrow Mound, Edna Mound
Lane, and McKomis Mound.  In 1941 Woodrow was a bus driver for
the Francis Howell School District.
