1940 Census: Emma Keiser, age 54, farmer
Dora Keiser (sister), age 51 farmer
An article in the St. Charles Cosmos-Monitor of August 9, 1941, stated the following: "One of the most pitible cases of distress caused by this National Defense Project is that of the Kaiser sisters. They inherited a well-improved farm some 150 acres in size, having remained at home and cared for their parents until they passed on. Their farm constituted their only source of income and, judging from reports, they were fairly well fixed, and contented on the 'old homestead.' Their farm was taken by the government, but they were not paid. Since then they have been living in a little house in St. Charles and take in washing for a livelihood."
Location: 699891 4286014 four concrete fence posts, two on each side of the bridge (A-27)
700140 4285632 six concrete fence posts (A-27)
700047 4285909 (A-27)
no structures on A-13
Acreage: 165.60
Contract price: $13,900
Property condemned on April 8, 1941
Condemnation price: $5,640
Today: fence posts, probably cistern, concrete floor of outbuilding