Location: 697284 4282471
Acreage: 0.50
Contract price: $14,850
Property sold on January 24, 1941
Today: the site of a Weldon Spring C. A. parking lot
For a view of Hamburg which includes this store, click here.
Perhaps the social center of Hamburg in 1940 was the Sieb-Wackher IGA store. Its second floor was a community center where townsfolk came to play card games, watch theatrical performances, participate in meetings, and enjoy dancing. After fire destroyed the church in 1940, church services were also held here, worshippers sitting on slatted folding chairs, the hot summer air buzzing with wasps. The building also housed Hamburg's post office; Seib was the postmaster.
Adam Schneider, Louis Wackher, Theo Seib, Glen Yahn, Mrs. George Otterborm and Wilma, John Mades, John H. Yahn, Bill Bates (center), and Clyde Stumberg (leather jacket) |