
B-70, B-96, B-100, B-114, B-141, B-203, C-173, and D-326

Owners: Dennis B. and May Dell Pitman
1940 Census: B-141  Dennis Pitman, age 60, farmer
                                      Maydell Pitman, age 46
                                      Vera E., age 21
Location: B-70  696045  4289569
Dennis B. Pitman around 1900
               There were no structures on B-96, B-100,
                                        B-114, B-203, or D-326
               C-173  on National Guard property

Acreage: B-70    55.0
              B-96    30.00
              B-100    0.14
              B-114  14.32
              B-141  73.03
              B-203  33.33
              C-173    0.37
              D-326    9.67
Contract price: $35,000 (all but C-173); $2,000 (C-173)
Property condemned on April 15 (C-173) and June 19 (all but C-173), 1941
Today: foundations, concrete watering trough (bowl-shaped), two cisterns, drilled well at B-70
For the history of C-173, click here.



